I am tired of this war on the Tunmu. I will present my reasons for their existence, and the existence of their abilities. Beyond this post, I am not responding to any of your accusations about the Tunmu fundamental qualities, ever again.
The Tunmu are designed to be a major threat to the galaxy, if the story demands it, without having to make use of alliances. They can seem to be a mindless enemy that is hated, on purpose. You are supposed to dislike the Tunmu. As for this aspect, most of you are playing along, perfectly.
As a major threat, solitary I might add, they require a few more advantages than the average creature, in order to go from small-scale to massive-scale threat, as fast as plottly required. If the plot does not ask it, the Tunmu will not become incredibly threatening.
Now, the advantages. The Tunmu, as I have stated before, are limited telepaths in that other telepaths can only listen in on the various Hives. Keep in how mind how this is a blessing and a curse.
Enemy telepaths can reach a perfect level of espionage, reading the very thoughts of the Tunmu. If you do not understand the implications, it means that a telepath can sift through the thoughts of the Hive, and
know its every movement. This is the holy grail of espionage, ripe for the taking, and I'm just holding it out there for anyone with the balls to have rarely-born telepaths. Absolutely
no other creature has such a massive vulnerability, a vulnerability the Tunmu do not even know exists, currently. There is no removing this vulnerability. Consequently, the Tunmu communicate across infinite space, and the telepaths who spend too much time listening in can succumb to the Call of Hive.
Secondly, as a result of the high level of organization that the Tunmu share on a Cellular level, and their origins, the Tunmu are extremely adaptive to the point of being able to shift their food supply and digestive processes to feed off nearly all organic things. At the same time, their organization and adaptiveness allows them to grow bodies, which is still a slow process. It is not Terminator-melted-metal-man fast, it is far from it. It is also limited by stored and available material. They cannot just conjure bodies out of nothing.
A natural extension of telepathic communication on the Cellular level and extreme adaptability, is the ability to continue to function inside hostile, foreign bodies. Continuing to function naturally leads to becoming a pathogen, one I might add has never been encountered by that body. Their intelligence allows them to root out and find the brain/command center, understand it, and then adapt to take control. If there is nothing to control, then the body shall simply be killed and used for fuel. Any creature that is robotic or crystalline cannot be attacked successfully. In the event of nanomachines or other countermeasures, the owner and I shall determine the success of failure of the Tunmu in controlling or killing the victim.
As much as you guys moan and groan, you obviously don't have a clue just what I
could make the Tunmu do. I could make them the perfect biological weapon; let them build warships; let them grow bodies and shift form faster; allow them to wage biological warfare, infecting the air, soil, water, fauna, etc of a planet, rendering it totally useless and wrecking the ecosystem; let them counter other telepaths; take away their fear of fire; make them nearly indestructable; let them infected everything, robotic or otherwise. These are just a few things that the Tunmu could accomplish, with some extensive and stretched reasoning.
Why do I not do that stuff? Because
that is unbalanced.
That is overpowered.
That is god-modeish. What I am now, is extremely limited in comparison, and I continue to add flaws. So shut up already with your accusations, because I'm not going to listen. That is my reasoning, these my creations.
Get over it, and be quiet, because you
haven't even seen them in action yet. I'm done listening to all your crap. Once more, this practical essay marks the end of my caring about anything you people think is negative about their fundamentals (telepathy, adaptiveness, infection). If your criticisms aren't of non-fundamentals, just don't say anything. I seem to recall that these RPs are not exactly scientific.